If you have bulk waste from a home, garage, or shed clearance or excess building/garden renovation waste, hiring an AYS Skip would minimise risk from loose debris on site and save you multiple trips to the tip. Waste disposal costs vary according to the waste type with the most common as follows:
General Waste
This waste stream includes most building materials and household items such as wood, plastic, soil, rubble, glass, garden waste, furniture and most white goods. General waste skips are sorted at our Poole Tipping Site to maximise recycling targets. Certain items cannot be processed in a General Waste Skip which include Paint, Plasterboard, and Toxic or Hazardous items. A comprehensive list including items that will incur extra charges (ie Tyres/Fridges/TVs) can be found here.
We can process minimal amounts of non-recyclable carpet, artificial turf or roofing felt but quantities over 10% of any skip capacity will be charged at haulage and tonnage – please call our office on 01258 857977 for a quote.
This waste stream includes brick, concrete and stones. As rubble waste is 100% recycled, the Rubble Tipping Site are very strict and will reject skips contaminated with soil, tarmac or any other general waste. Rejected skips will be reclassed and processed as General Waste at an additional cost to you. Due to the weight, the maximum size we can provide to ensure safe removal and transport is an 8YD skip.
This waste stream includes soil, sand and rubble waste. As inert waste is 100% recycled, the Inert Tipping Site are very strict and will not accept skips contaminated with turf, roots, clay or any other general waste. Rejected skips will be reclassed and processed as General Waste at an additional cost to you. Due to the weight, the maximum size we can provide to ensure safe removal and transport is a 6YD skip.
Plasterboard & Plasterboard Products
This waste stream is for plasterboard items only. Plasterboard/Drywall is made from gypsum and is generally used for building or construction purposes. It was banned from general landfill in 2009 because it breaks down and emits gases when mixed with biodegradable waste.
AYS Skip Hire is fully licensed to remove and transport plasterboard waste. We are committed to safe and responsible disposal and are registered with the Environment Agency under the “Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989.”
Get in touch
Why Choose AYS Skip Hire for Your Waste Removal Needs?
With over 35 years of working in the Skip Hire and Waste Recycling industry, AYS Skip Hire provide safe and legal transport and disposal of all waste. We are also committed to recycling at least 95% of mixed general waste to reduce the amount sent to landfill sites.

For a professional and reliable skip hire service, book online now. To speak to a member of our team directly, call us 01202 808 007. Or get in touch by filling out our Online Contact Form or email us at office@aysskiphire.co.uk.